Saturday, 1 February 2014

Our Week In Pictures (#OWIP)

(pic credit: tumblr)

A new school year has started and we have not posted a single thing yet! I guess we have been fairly busy with school work or that's just an excuse for our procrastination. Lots of things happened this month - sec 4 camp at the zoo&river safari (ely, do you still want to do a post about this? Nah I'm too lazy :P we'll always have that day's memories in our hearts <3 ^^), getting back our o' level Chinese results (which I'm really upset about :( me too sigh~) and tests have already started! Anyway, to keep our diary/blog active, I've decided to do this thing *insert weird hand motions* to help us remember the times we had. It's pretty self explanatory - we're gonna do a post every week *fingers crossed*. We'll try to include every single day's events but we'd only include the weekends if they are interesting - 'cause we are boring and mundane people. Ely's texts will be in purple and mine will be in blue.
Secondary 4. O' Levels, we'll kick your ass and get 2 points >:) WOOHOO!

UPDATE! some posts would be #ODIP this sounds weird (Our DAY in Pictures) because the week may be boring, with only one interesting day or we forgot to take pictures with the exception of that day so...

thanks for reading!

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