Friday, 7 February 2014

Tests + Start of Chinese New Year! | #OWIP (26/01/14 - 02/02/14)

this week's agenda! it's pretty plain

this is something that our class came up with (more like Ms Lu). It's basically like a secret santa. Everyone has a "mortal", which makes them an "angel" and they're supposed to write messages of encouragement etc for the rest of the year - and they are not supposed to let anybody else know (especially their mortal!) or it'll ruin the fun. I'm just putting this in the front 'cause we'll be saying lots of things related to this in the future!


this happened in Lit P1 (which is supposed to be Lord of the Flies but Mr Ahmad seems to switch it with Lit P2 which is Romeo&Juliet... so). I felt the need to write to my mortal something and Chinese New Year was around the corner so I wanted to give her "money"... and this is what I came up with. Sorry Shakespeare.
 I gave her another one though (with her face on it) cause I thought this was too priceless to give up ;D HAHAHA Look at Shakespeare's potato face!!

I also remembered that this happened on Monday (cause Regina told me she was not going for HCL tuition that night) so I wanted to write her a note about it and I sneakily wrote this to put in Ely's mailbox ;) MUAHAHAH. OH SHUSH. I still feel the wave of disappointment looking at that :( My angel's not doing a good job at all urgh.

TUESDAY - tests day urgh!

AHAHAHA 5th period HCL and we were doing this exercise on analogies and Ely REALLY wanted to express hers to our teacher but our teacher kept putting her off *laughing-crying face* here's your chance to say it to the world ely! Yeah, the only time I get so pumped up for Chinese and she dissed me! Why do I even bother... -.- I wanted to tell her that a second may seem unimportant, but seconds become centuries, and you could then see how time changes and generations pass and mountains move and it's so spectacular (I totally forgot what we were supposed to compare it to though haha)! I've also got tons of other analogies, like remember the dust bunny one?? It was brilliant man.
Oh, and this was the day we had both English and Biology tests. I think that that was the worst essay I have ever written (same here :/) and I think Biology was not that bad (at least I felt that it would be better than the Chem test a week earlier) but sometimes when I think Bio is really easy, it turns out that I failed really badly (I'm looking at you, EOY >:( )

We stayed back to arrange the "post office"? 
Oh look, mine's right behind my head :)
mine is the top left corner on the first row!

charlotte's cute drawing

celine's pretty design

AND THIS WAS ALSO THE DAY WE HAD TO HAND IN LOTF MINI PROJECT BUT WE DIDN'T SO ELY AND I WENT TO THE MARINE PARADE LIBRARY TO DO IT! But in the end we didn't really do much there because angie started flipping through old magazines and we got distracted by the quizzes and fashion tsk.
what we did:
we forgot to bring our own LOTF books and we found it in the library! Thank the heavens!

we were assigned (chose, actually) Roger!

our first draft of what Roger looked like. goodness.

almost finished. and then we went home :p

WEDNESDAY - nothing really happened and we didn't take any pictures. Oops. I went to my tuition to take an AMath test though.

THURSDAY - Chinese New Year Eve + School Celebration + Our Clique Went Out Again! :D

there were so few people in class 'cause many of them were involved in the performance :(

 urgh garbage truck smell. Does anyone agree with me? I don't know. I hardly smell anything~

I absolutely love my angel for this sweet gesture!!! <3
last CNY celebration in CCHMS :'(
wushu was great! and WE SAW MS CHONG ASDFGHJKL!! i miss you ms chong♥♥

us in the reflection

hey there ely. where did my left hand go?? D:
char what are you looking at HAHA
heheh zuer looks good here :)

We ate at a restaurant called Hot Tomato...?

very social, guys

the menu! it's so freaking expensive. not gonna go back again D:
GOOD DON'T GO BACK. It's full of dead meat! :'(

FRIDAY - We are doing a separate post on CNY cause this is getting lengthy. 
p.s my CNY is really boring
p.p.s sorry for posting this really late! I got lazy

Thanks for reading!

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