Friday, 13 December 2013

15 Random Facts About Me | Elythea

1. I don't like telling strangers my real name.
2. I believe in horoscopes and tarot cards.
I'm an Aries by the way. ^^

3. I love it when people tell me stories, especially fairytales :)


4. Red is my favourite color.
5. I also like blue, purple and brown.
6. I support gay rights and gender equality.

Coffee is for ever! !!(:  love is long lasting (: and equal rights is entity <3Gay Marriage meme | via FacebookOctavioDuff

7. I'm tall. Like, 173cm tall to be exact. I think that's about 5'8"?
8. Maths is my best subject. I can do it all day~ English literature is my favourite subject though!
9. <-- This is my favourite number haha.
10. I like reading self help books.

These are the books I have on my bookshelf now.

11. I'm a vegetarian.
This is me when asked why.
12. I can't braid my own hair :/
13. I'm very close to my brother.
14. I love getting massages!
(2) Me gusta | Tumblr
Ooh ah~
15. My phone is my baby. If I ever lose it, there's a 95% chance I'll DIE.
YES. Someone that relates!

~Quote of this post~
Love this quote and it has a bird on it too! Perfection | WORD.
