gosh this is too cute
2. Believe in fate?
Not really. Fate, you suck.
3. Fave colour?
*This only happens on interesting days though* you know those hours when it's time for afternoon tea&crumpets? Yeap, that time is the time.
5. Your superpower?
Why need superpowers when you can have magic? ;)
6. Weapon of choice?
In my imagination? A wand (like Harry Potter). In real life? bow&arrow of course. Brings out the Katniss in me.
7. Superhero name?
8. Gold or silver?
9. Day or night?
I'm no party girl. Day it is!
10. Dream vacation?
Maldives/ BoraBora/ Hawaii/ Fiji/ Bahamas/ Iceland
11. What pizza topping would u be?
... onions?
12. Your best quality?
13. Worst?
IM EVIL. Also, impatient, cunning, and violent. Watch me play Mario Kart and you'll see it.
14. Most embarrassing experience?
embarrassing is not in my dictionary
15. You found a genie lamp! What are your 3 wishes?
- Stop global warming, close up the ozone holes, lower the Earth's temperature to before technology became big
- People to stop obsessing over technology.
- Harry Potter to be real and I'm a wizard. oh yeah.
16. Fave insult?
17. Earth's gonna explode. Where would u escape with your spaceship?
To a land filled with rainbows and pegasus(s) where people have fun on the beach all day and break out into random musical numbers. And pandora's box is not opened of course! Wouldn't want any worries!
18. What are you thinking of now?
My mind is blank
19. Describe yourself in 3 words.
19. Describe yourself in 3 words.
Banana, Hopeful and ...Wary.
20. Worst nightmare?
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