Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Shopping For Jiayi's Present

(ely, ^) no photo sorry haha.

Yay! Yesterday Last Friday, me and Ange went out shopping for Jiayi's birthday/Christmas prezzie. We only had a budget of $20, but I think we made the money worthwhile! In the end we got her a shirt, a crispy snack and this... interesting birthday card :) 

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Converse Club

Converses are always in trend, no?

Freeing SG + Bowling

We -Elythea and I- went out with Rachel and Jiayi today to go to this 5D experience thing that Rachel told us about (at Bugis+) and bowling. Too bad Char and Zuer couldn't make it, or we'd have so much more fun (not that today was boring or anything)! Read on to find out more about our day! (p.s. I'm the photographer of the day, so I won't be in many of the following pictures ;) -Ange)

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Too Much Information | Elythea

1. What are you wearing?
A pink "WORLD WITHOUT STRANGERS" shirt and denim shorts~ Pretty fashionable if you ask me :P

2. Ever been in love?
I believe I have.

Too Much Information | Angelica


1. What are you wearing?
The shirt that I've been wearing for the past few days straight (gross, I know) to paint my room and my hot pink FBTs ;)

2. Ever been in love?
When I first ate Maltesers. It was love at first sight baby.

Friday, 13 December 2013

15 Random Facts About Me | Angelica

(random, but I thought it was pretty, so)

1. I'm claustrophobic
just makes me feel really overwhelmed and sweat profusely. Even when I'm in a room where all the doors and windows are shut, and the aircon is not on :(

2. Red tones make me incredibly dizzy
this is actually a really serious problem. I was painting my room a few days ago and it has a pink tinge to it (I actually thought it has a brown undertone) and I got such a massive headache that I feel like vomiting. Does anyone feel me on this? :/

15 Random Facts About Me | Elythea

1. I don't like telling strangers my real name.
2. I believe in horoscopes and tarot cards.
I'm an Aries by the way. ^^

Friday, 6 December 2013

Quickfire Questions | Elythea

1. Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?

Coffee, but Starbucks offers hot chocolate too... I just like Starbucks. I drink tea the most often though.

I kinda like this one sold at 7-11 haha.

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Quickfire Questions | Angelica

1. Favourite animal?
The cat family! Except those hairless ones though. They look terrifying. As much as I love dogs, I only like the big ones.  I changed my mind. WOLVES.

gosh this is too cute

2. Believe in fate?
Not really. Fate, you suck.

3. Fave colour?

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Hey Ely, Wanna Do Quickfire Questions?

Being bored out of my mind, this was what I typed. So basically Ely and I are gonna type 20 simple questions on a separate post each and then we'll go into that post and answer it! So if anyone happens to be reading our blog (what a miracle!) then our post would be named:
Quickfire Questions | (name)
and the name of the person in the brackets is the one answering it!

thank you for reading!